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Healthy Grilled Chicken Recipe

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 2 September 2014 | 02:25

Grilled Chicken Recipe is very healthy and tasty. People always look for healthy recipes so this is one of them. Its taste is also very delicious and spicy. This dish is very simple and easy to make. You can easily try this recipe at home. The ingredients are easily available. You can make it for lunch or dinner. It takes little time to cook and ready in just 30 to 35 minutes. So if you are looking for healthy grilled chicken recipe then you are at right place. You must try this recipe its very nutritional meal. You can also impress your family members and friends with your cooking skills. Must try the recipe and give us feedback too.

Ingredients of Healthy Grilled Chicken Recipe

Boneless chicken 1 kg
Salt 1 tsp
Red chili powder ½ tsp
Black pepper ½ tsp
Lemon juice 2 tbsp
Soya sauce 1 tbsp
Ginger garlic paste 1 tbsp
Oil as per need
Lettuce leaves for garnish

For Bar-B-Q sauce
Tomato ketchup ½ cup
Salt ¼ tsp
Red chili powder ½ tsp
Chopped garlic 1 tsp
Sugar 1tsp
Green chili 1-2 crushed
Oil 2 tbsp
Vinegar 1 tbsp

Healthy Grilled Chicken Recipe


  1. Marinate chicken with salt, red chili pepper, black pepper, soya sauce, ginger garlic paste and lemon juice for 1 hour.
  2. Now grease the baking tray and put chicken pieces on it.
  3. Bake chicken pieces in pre heated oven until their colour changes to golden brown.
  4. Dish them out in a platter and garnish with lettuce leaves.
  5. Now in a pan fry garlic then add tomato ketchup, salt, red chili powder, green chili, sugar, vinegar and cook for 2 to 3 minutes and turn off the stove. Spicy bar-b-q sauce is ready.
  6. Serve delicious and healthy grilled chicken with spicy bar-b-q sauce.

Hope you will all like the tasty and healthy grilled chicken recipe and will enjoy its taste.

If you wanna make more delicious chicken recipes then click here